Satisfactory Academic Progress is defined as each student maintaining a cumulative grade point average of 70% = C or better. For determining satisfactory progress and facilitating discussion of the student’s training progress, a progress report is administered to the student for each module, for all programs.
Grading Format
A = Excellent 90% – 100%
B = Good 80% – 89%
C = Satisfactory 70% – 79%
D = Poor 60% – 69%
F = Failure Below 60%
I = Incomplete
All students are required to maintain a cumulative minimum attendance of 80% and progress a cumulative grade point average of 70% = C or better at the end of each 11-weeks quarter. The program of Standard ESL, Semi-Intensive ESL and Intensive ESL are consisting of four academic proficiency levels (i.e. Beginning, Intermediate I, Intermediate II, and Advanced), and each level is divided into two 11-weeks quarters.
*Each 11-weeks quarter has 3 examinations: Module 1 Test, Midterm Exam and Final Exam.
Program Clock Hours
Intensive ESL (4 Levels) 2464.0
Semi-Intensive ESL (4 Levels) 2112.0
Standard ESL (4 Levels) 1636.8
Graduation Requirement
Students must have a cumulative grade point average of 70% or “C” grade and 80% cumulative attendance in order to be considered for graduation. Upon successfully graduating the program level, meeting all completion requirements, students will receive a Certificate.
The Certificate will be available to graduates no later than 30 days from the last day of attendance unless Student Services receives a written request to provide it earlier.
All programs require that students take a placement and exit exam. No internships are required to complete any of Hollywood Education Institute’s programs.
Proficiency Levels
If a student does not achieve a 70% or a “C” at the end of 11-weeks quarter he/she must repeat the current program level with a documented learning plan.
Academic Probation
A student achieving a grade point average below 70% or a “C” at the time of evaluation will be advised of his/her unsatisfactory academic progress and placed on academic probation with a documented learning plan for 11 weeks in any programs until such time as his/her grade point average reaches a minimum of 70% or “C”. A student’s visa remains active while on probation. If the student fails to achieve a “C” average within 11 weeks, he/she will be withdrawn and the student’s withdrawal will be reported to the SEVIS.
Hollywood Education Institute will automatically administratively withdraw a student after s/he has been absent for a maximum of 30 consecutive calendar days.
The student will be notified verbally and in writing if he or she is being administratively withdrawn for unsatisfactory academic progress.