Hollywood Education Institute

Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

Satisfactory Academic Progress is defined as each student maintaining a cumulative grade point average of 70% = C or better and minimum 80% cumulative attendance. Students are notified of their progress at the end of each module (three times per quarter) by email.

Grading Format:






90 -100 

Student consistently demonstrates a thorough understanding and skill application in the content area.



80 – 89

Student demonstrates a high degree of understanding and skill application in the content area. 



70 – 79

Student demonstrates satisfactory understanding and skill application in the content area. 



60 – 69 

Student needs significant practice and instructional experiences to acquire the knowledge of basic content and skills specified content area.


Below 60

Student has not demonstrated the basic knowledge of content and/or skills specified and requires additional practice and instructional experiences to succeed.



Student does not complete the course due to circumstances.

All students are expected to maintain a cumulative minimum attendance of 80% and progress a cumulative grade point average of 70% = C or better at the end of each 11-week quarter. The program of Standard ESL, Semi-Intensive ESL, and Intensive ESL consist of four academic proficiency levels (i.e., Beginning, Intermediate I, Intermediate II, and Advanced), and each level is divided into two 11-week quarters.

Each 11-week quarter has 3 examinations: Module 1 Test, Midterm, and Final.

Intensive ESL (4 Levels) : 2464.0 Hours

Semi-Intensive ESL (4 Levels): 2112.0 Hours

Standard ESL (4 Levels): 1636.8 Hours

Students must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 70% or a “C” grade and minimum  80% cumulative attendance to meet graduation requirements. Certification of completion may  also be requested for each level a student has successfully completed. The Advanced level is the  final level, and upon passing it, the student has completed the program and will be eligible to  graduate. Upon successfully graduating from the program level, and meeting all completion  requirements, students receive a Certificate.  

The Certificate will be available to graduates no later than 30 days from the last day of  attendance unless Hollywood Education Institute receives a written request to provide it earlier. 

Students take a placement test to determine their proficiency level before being placed in one  of four course levels: Beginning, Intermediate I, Intermediate II, or Advanced. If students do not  achieve a 70% or a “C” at the end of current program level, they must repeat the current program  level following a documented learning plan.

Students can be enrolled in an ESL program for a maximum of 36 months.

A student achieving a grade point average below 70% or a “C” at the time of evaluation will be  advised of his/her unsatisfactory academic progress and placed on academic probation with a  documented learning plan for 11 weeks in any programs until such time as his/her grade point  average reaches a minimum of 70% or “C.” If the student fails to achieve a “C” average within 11  weeks, he/she will be withdrawn. The students will get notified by email.  

For the international student a student’s visa remains active while on probation. In case of  withdrawal, HEI reports this status to SEVIS.  

Hollywood Education Institute will automatically administratively withdraw a student after s/he has  been absent for a maximum of 30 consecutive calendar days (excluding any scheduled breaks  of the institution). The student will be notified verbally and in writing or an email if he or she is being  administratively withdrawn for unsatisfactory academic progress.

If a student does not agree with a progress report or probation status, the student may appeal  the statements/decision. The student must submit a written or an email appeal to the President  within seven (7) business days from the report receiving date with documentation to support the  appeal, where appropriate. The President will respond within seven (7) business days and notify  the student in writing.

Hollywood Education Institute has developed the following policy and procedure to  communicate the attendance requirement of students. All students at Hollywood Education  Institute must maintain a total attendance percentage of 80 percent or higher (i.e., 80% overall  attendance). A student is considered late if he/she is not in the classroom by the time their first  class is scheduled to begin or in their assigned classroom within the first 5 minutes of the scheduled  class time (e.g., if a class is scheduled to begin at 9:00 a.m., a student must have logged into the  institution’s attendance application by 9:00 a.m. and in their assigned classroom by 9:05 a.m.). A  student is considered an early departure if he/she does not remain in their assigned classroom  until the class has been dismissed (e.g., if a class is scheduled to end at 10:05 a.m., a student must remain in class until 10:05 a.m.) As an added measure, both tardiness and early departures are  tracked with the use of an attendance roster, which is completed daily by the instructor for his/her  class. 

Acceptable indications of attendance include completing assessments and/or performing tasks  or activities on a given day. 

If you find that you cannot meet the class minimum discussion requirements due to such a  circumstance, please contact your instructor as soon as possible.

Attendance is critical to students’ success in meeting the requirements of the Hollywood  Education Institute program. The instructor is responsible for documenting student attendance.  The instructor monitors and documents students’ attendance during class time and online.  

  1. Students must log in to the Hollywood Education Institute’s learning management system  and attend the live class. Students who join the in-residence class must log-in and show up  at the classroom. 
  2. Students must participate in the class and complete the assignments, classwork, quizzes,  and examination according to the instructor’s instruction.  
  3. Instructors must monitor students’ attendance in each class. 
  4. There are 3 options to give student attendance: 

(P) Present: 100% 

Students log in, attend live class on time, actively participate in class, and complete assignments  and examinations within a given time from the instructor.  

(D) Deduction: 70% 

Students who are more than 5 minutes late to a live class receive a deduction. Students who leave  class early or do not remain in their assigned classroom until the class has been dismissed receive  a deduction. Students who do not actively participate in the live class receive a deduction.  Students who do not complete the assignments and examinations within the given timeframe set  by the instructor receive a deduction.  

(A) Absence: 0% 

Students who do not attend the live class are considered absent. All Hollywood Education  Institute’s students are required to maintain a minimum of 80% attendance. 

What does it mean to “attend” a class? 

Attendance is critical to students’ success in the ESL programs offered. Taking attendance allows  the institution to make clear determinations of when a student last attended class. When it comes  to attendance in a course, it may seem a little unclear how attendance is defined. Listed below  is very specific information that can help guide our decision-making when designing courses for  an online environment. 

What is an acceptable indication of attendance? 

The acceptable indications of attendance in a course can include: 

  • Students’ submission of an academic assignment(s).  
  • Students’ submission of an exam.  
  • Documented students’ participation in an interactive tutorial or computer-assisted  instruction.
  • Students participate in an online/hybrid study group that is assigned by the institution.  Students in a discussion forum participate in an online/hybrid discussion about  academic matters.  

What does not sufficiently indicate attendance?  

In a distance education context, documenting that a student has logged into an online class is  not sufficient, by itself, to demonstrate academic attendance by the student.” Essentially, a  student must be required to do more than just “log in” to be documented as having attended an  online course. The students who join an in-residence class and do not participate in-class activities  are also considered as not sufficient.